- Envirofacts Master Chemical Integrator (EMCI)
An EPA web site, the EMCI uses an internal identification system that is based on CAS numbers and names as a cross-reference to link chemicals in Air, Water, and Hazardous Waste, Superfund, and Toxics Release Inventories.
- The EXtension TOXicology NETwork (EXTOXNET)
An effort of University of California, Davis, Oregon State University, Michigan State University, Cornell University, and the University of Idaho. Some of the goals of EXTOXNET are to stimulate dialog on toxicology issues, develop and make available information relevant to extension toxicology, and facilitate the exchange of toxicology-related information.
- Federal Register
Search the Federal Register for rules, regulations, and notices since 1994.
- International Toxicity Estimates for Risk (ITER)
ITER is a free Internet database of human health risk values and cancer classifications for over 680 chemicals of environmental concern from multiple organizations worldwide.
- Kyoto Human Embryo Visualization Project
Contains over 8.8 million references to the biomedical literature published since 1966. MEDLINE is available free of charge via PubMed:
- MedWeb
A list of toxicology databases maintained by Emory University Health Sciences Central Library.
- National Toxicology Program (NTP)
Tested chemicals are listed under Teratology study, Short-term Reproductive & Developmental Toxicity (RDGT) Study, and/or Reproductive Assessment by Continuous Breeding (RACB) Study.
- Transplant Pregnancy Registry International (TPR)
An information system developed by the Reproductive Toxicology Center, Columbia Hospital for Women Medical Center. This web site provides current assessments on the potentially harmful effects of environmental exposure to chemicals and physical agents on human pregnancy, reproduction, and development (fee required).