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The Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) program was created by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) to increase the number of biomedical and behavioral scientists from minority groups. The FASEB MARC Program provides funding for travel awards to support the participation of faculty/mentors and students, and poster or platform (oral) presenters at selected scientific meetings and conferences. The awards help to defray meeting registration and travel-related expenses (lodging, transportation, per diem) associated with meeting/conference attendance. (Refer to the Faculty/Students and Poster/Oral Presenter Travel Award applications for the travel award amount). Travel awards are processed as reimbursements to the award recipients. An award recipient will be required to pay his/her meeting and travel related expenses first, and then request reimbursement from the FASEB MARC Program Office after completion of the meeting/conference. Please visit the FASEB MARC Web site at for more information. The deadline to apply is May 29, 2008.


Rev. Wednesday, February 13, 2008; at 12:39:50 AM EST

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