The Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention has secured a reduced sleeping room rate of $149 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey. Room rates are based on single/double occupancy, $15 will be added to the room rate for each additional person. All rates are subject to a 10% occupancy tax, plus a 15¢ California assessment fee and $1 Monterey County tourism fee. (Fees are subject to change without notice.)
The Hyatt Regency Monterey has limited availability on Sunday-Wednesday, June 29-July 2 during the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention 48th Annual Meeting. Please contact the hotel directly at (831) 372-1234 to make your reservation.
We hope that you plan to attend the Education Course entitled “CNS Functional Teratology” on Saturday, June 28. If you do not already have a hotel reservation, you may want to consider one of the following hotels in Monterey for June 27-28.
Hilton Garden Inn
1000 Aguajito Road
Monterey, CA 93940
831-373-6141, 800-445-8667
½ mile from the Hyatt Monterey
Holiday Inn Express
1400 Del Monte Blvd.
Seaside, CA 93955
1 mile from the Hyatt Monterey
Embassy Suites on Monterey Bay
1441 Canyon Del Rey
Seaside, CA 93955
10 min drive to Hyatt Monterey
Portola Plaza
2 Portola Plaza
Monterey, CA 93940
831-649–4511, 866-711-1534
10 min drive to Hyatt Monterey
Marriott Monterey
350 Calle Principal
Monterey, CA 93940
831-649-4234, 800-228-9290
10 min drive to Hyatt Monterey
Rev. Friday, September 27, 2019; at 10:15:32 AM EST