Each year the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention awards money to students and postdoctoral fellows to assist them with their travel expenses. Students/postdoctoral fellows who have an abstract that will be presented during the meeting, as either a platform or poster presentation, are eligible for a Travel Award of $500. Applicants should be enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree in a field of study related to teratology or should be postdoctoral fellows in such a field and should intend to attend the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Annual Meeting. Students/postdoctoral fellows who apply for a Travel Award must be members of the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention or have applied for membership at the time of the 2008 meeting. The applicants will be instructed to have their mentor submit a letter of recommendation, without this they are not eligible to be considered for a Travel Award.
Once again, Eli Lilly and Company will be awarding the Eli Lilly Women and Minority Travel Award. This award was created to encourage women and minorities to enter the field of teratology. If you meet the qualifications for this award and would like to be considered, please indicate your interest during the submission of your abstract. Your mentor’s letter of recommendation must confirm that you are eligible to be considered for this award. For more information about the requirements, please contact Becca Rhame at brhame@birthdefectsresearch.org. The award application submission deadline is February 18, 2008.
In addition to the Travel Awards, there are three other awards for which students and postdoctoral fellows may be considered.
1) The Wilson Presentation Awards are selected for the two best presentations in the student/postdoctoral fellow platform competition.
2) The James C. Bradford Memorial Award is presented by MARTA to the student selected as the best paper in the poster competition.
3) The Marie W. Taubeneck Award recognizes a student or postdoctoral fellow for scholarship in teratology and service to the Society.
Complete information about the awards is available on the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention Web site at www.birthdefectsresearch.org/members/awards.
Rev. Friday, September 27, 2019; at 11:15:40 AM EST