Meeting Information Scientific Program Registration Hyatt Regency Hotel Abstract Submission Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Sponsors Exhibitors Monterey

Student/Postdoctoral Fellow Activities

Special events for students and postdocs will occur throughout the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention meeting. These events were planned with you in mind and allow you to meet other students and scientists in our field. Be sure to check the agenda when you arrive at the meeting to learn about new opportunities. The following special events are scheduled,

Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention XXVII Annual Volleyball Game - Come one, come all and join in the fun! The 27th Annual Volleyball Game will be held Saturday, June 28 at 12:15 - 1:30 PM in Monterey, CA. This is an event that you will not want to miss. It is anticipated that a challenge will be issued by the "seasoned players" to the student and postdoctoral attendees on the court. Stop by the registration desk for more information on how to participate in this match-it is free and open to all attendees.

Saturday Mixer - get to know your fellow student and postdoc attendees before the start of the Annual Meeting. The mixer will take place in the Knuckles Bar at the Hyatt Regency Monterey at 5:30 PM. Students and postdocs who pick up their registration materials on Friday or Saturday will be given a coupon for this event. Mixer participants will need to gather in groups of 6 - 8 to redeem their coupons for a free drink and an appetizer to share.

Dine with a Teratology Ambassador - sign up to have lunch or dinner with a member of the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention. This is an opportunity to meet with an experienced member of the Society in a small group setting. Participating in this program will provide you with an invaluable experience. Click here for more information.

MARTA/MTA Student Career Event - take advantage of this great networking opportunity. Join MARTA/MTA for dinner, conversation, and networking at a Student Career Event on Monday, June 30, from 7:30 PM-9:30 PM. This popular annual event is for students and postdocs attending the joint annual meetings of the Society for Birth Defects Research and Prevention, NBTS, and OTIS. As you prepare for the next phase in your professional career, we offer you this opportunity to meet your fellow students and postdocs and to interact with scientists from academia, government, and industry. This is also an opportunity for you to discuss your future and the various career paths available to you.



Rev. Friday, September 27, 2019; at 10:15:33 AM EST

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